Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm Alive (and somewhat kicking!)

Wow – five days have passed since my last post. Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?

I’m back to work and in truth, it’s been hard. Three weeks of holiday have made me soft. I find myself worn out by the end of the day and the last thing I want to do after a day quoting staircase projects is to spend another few hours writing.

BUT I’m still writing focused even while not in revision mode.

I’m critiquing some fabulous first chapters for friends who’ll be entering the Harlequin Mills and Boon Instant Seduction competition.

The ‘to be read’ pile is slowly diminishing. Yay – free space for more books!

I’m jotting down notes for the pending revisions and the excitement level is slowly building – great motivation to actually start writing and to temporarily silence that dreaded (and evil) ‘internal editor’ that pours doubts onto a writer’s enthusiasm. Who says ‘why bother?’ and ‘who’ll want to read that drivel?’ But I’m trying not to listen to that bothersome pest.

And if that doesn’t work, meeting with a fabulous bunch of lovely, talented writers should blast away any doldrums. I’m Co-ordinator of the Melbourne Romance Writers Guild (MRWG) – http://www.melbournerwg.com/ - a wonderful romance group established in 1991 with around 30 members and continually growing.

We meet once a month and this Sunday is the January meeting. We celebrate our writing achievements with the best reward – chocolate – and in the past five years, we’ve had lots to celebrate. Several members are book, novella and short story published.

I’m sure 2008 will be another great year for the MRWG and its talented members.

Bye for now.


Ebony McKenna. said...

Hi Elvina,
Exactly, where did the time go? Sometimes I think the busier we are, the more we get done. When we're on holidays, we get nothing done despite our best intentions....
or am I speaking only for myself? tee hee.

Thank you so much for critiquing my chapters. I sent both entries off in the end. Because I thought about the one entry, and started to wonder .. what if they don't like this one? Then I'd never know.
At least this way, with two entries, I'll definitely know if either of them is any good.

As Crush said to Marlin in Finding Nemo, 'When you know, you know. Y'know?"

Elvina said...

Hi Ebony,

Love the new photo!

Yay on entering TWO books and fingers crossed that the editors love them.

See you tomorrow at the MRWG meeting.
