Monday, September 1, 2008

Spring has sprung!

Arrrhhhhhh…another month. And it’s spring. And it’s only 4 months until Christmas. Arrhhhh!

Deep breaths…deep breaths.

I’ve been busy, working on “An Angel’s Embrace.” Hoping to finish it in the next few weeks and email the book off to the USA with a cyber hug & kiss for good luck.

In the meantime, I’m also helping a very, VERY talented friend get her revisions finished and her book back to Harlequin Mills & Boon UK office. Go Margaret! I have everything crossed for you.

And in between that, there’s the normal boring stuff of work, cooking, cleaning, washing, dieting and exercising (the last two I’ve been very slack with over the past months).

Bye for now.


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